Repubblica Genova
PROTEIN-ID è un ambizioso progetto finanziato dall’UE con circa 3 milioni di euro per 3 anni, diretto da Francesco De Angelis, responsabile delle nanotecnologie plasmoniche dell’IIT, in una collaborazione che coinvolge 7 gruppi di ricerca tra università, istituti di ricerca e aziende.
EsaX Meeting 2024
Extreme Sensing and Chirality International Workshop
Kunskapsveckan 2023
Kunskapsveckan 2023 at Umeå University is the conference for those who work in schools. During the two conference days, Umeå University offered around 50 lectures and workshops that gave inspiration and skill development. It was free to participate.
European Researchers’ Night in Sweden
European Researchers’ Night takes places annually during the last week of September. In Sweden, activities are organised across the country and online under the name ForskarFredag (Researchers’ Friday). This year the festival will take place from the 23rd to the 28th of September 2024.